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La De Da’ + Wistful Days
Bren Pollock Smith

I began designing art bears in 1994 when my sweet daughter was three years old for her own collection. As the years passed, I followed other artistic endeavors including; life-sculpting, competitive floral design, digital art and photography.  In November 2007, my passion for soft sculpture reemerged and the La De Da' Artisan Bear © brand was born.

I work from my art studio located in Southern California. My designs are known for their endearing, soulful signature presence and sculpted eye lids with wet, teary eyes and sculpted noses. No two creations are alike. My hands, heart and soul are in all aspects of the creation process from original pattern development, sewing by hand, painting, shading to sculpting. 

La De Da' Artisan Bears ©  have old world charm with neoteric elements and a soupçon of whimsy and fantasy.  It is my goal to create a delightful heirloom to pass down through the generations that serve as a tangible reminder of all the sweet things in life, such as childhood, sweet memories, innocence and celebrating love. Most of all, I hope they make you smile. The bears have found homes all over the world.  I adore my collectors, each one has been a blessing to me.

In March 2020, I added the 'Wistful Days' © collection to my body of work.  These clay creations echo back to an earlier time in our history when Penny Dolls were fashionable. My desire is to capture their original essence while adding my own personal touches of whimsy and storytelling.  The challenge to move from soft sculpture to clay sculpture has been an enriching artistic journey and I look forward to providing more sweet tokens to my collectors.

hank you for taking the time to stop by.  May God bless you greatly!





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copyright © 2007-2024, bren pollock © . la de da' artisan bears © . wistful days © .  all rights reserved.